Large stone statue (in Ireland!) of Shri Ganesha reading a book. As the Lord of Wisdom, He is invoked by students embarking on a course of study or facing exams.
Shri Ganesha is the personification of innocence and wisdom, the deity of auspicious beginnings, the remover of obstacles to enterprises and spiritual ascent. He is the Supporter of His Mother, the Kundalini Shakti.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
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"I think everybody must have a statue of Shri Ganesha in their house. The children will see it and ask, "Who is He? What is He doing?" And you will be amazed how they will understand His qualities and how they will work it out.
It is important for all of you to have at least one Shri Ganesha in your house, so that you can tell your children that you have to become like Him.
Now what are the qualities of Shri Ganesha? They won't understand chastity, they are too small, they won't understand all those qualities. But one quality they will understand is to be honest."
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